Ladies and Gentlemen! Release your adrenalin!
I know you want it! Ready or not!
Here I come! Let's get ready to rumble!
Jump! Jump! Metisと Jump! Jump! MICROと
Jump! Jump! Everybody ぶっ飛んで飛んで Get down!
楽しむ事の より良い方法 気持ちのキャッチボールしてこそMusic
You like this music then craze
You like this party then blaze
So let me hear you say Ho! Ho! これが繋がる方法
損はさせんで ついてこい! Now everybody hands up!
その手を上げろ 後ろや前も
You like this music then craze
You like this party then blaze
Jump! Jump! Metisと Jump! Jump! MICROと
Jump! Jump! Everybody ぶっ飛んで飛んで Get down!
人々の喜び集まれ Throw your hands in da sky and we will supply
いつでもお気に入りを聴けることよりも ここで共に感じ合えば最高
You like this music then craze
You like this party then blaze
You like this music then craze
You like this party then blaze
Jump! Jump! Metisと Jump! Jump! MICROと
Jump! Jump! Everybody ぶっ飛んで飛んで Get down!