What're the chances that two people would meet and decide to stay
And then those people find they feel the same
What're the chances that two people would connect and dedicate
And make the sacrifice to keep the faith
Words blossom, where they come together Carried by wind and the rain
Seeds sown, where they fall and they scatter
Taking root wherever they fall
Songs born, when they leave each other
Words spring, when they understand one another
Songs stand, where the people gather
Words carried by wind and rain Songs blossom when together
Found in the flow Full of change, unfold and fly Not just follow
Find likeness in the difference
I say hello The light shines, stretching shadows You say hello
The rain stops, making rainbows
What're the chances that two people would meet and decide to stay
And then those people find they feel the same
What're the chances that two people would connect and dedicate
And make the sacrifice to keep the faith
Words blossom, where they come together Carried by wind and the rain
Seeds sown, where they fall and they scatter
Taking root wherever they fall
Songs born, when they leave each other
Words spring, when they understand one another
Songs stand, where the people gather
Words carried by wind and rain Songs blossom when together
Sound in the glow Showing me the wonder color Not just for show
I say hello The light shines, stretching shadows You say hello
The rain stops, making rainbows
What're the chances that two people would meet and decide to stay
And then those people find they feel the same
What're the chances that two people would connect and dedicate
And make the sacrifice to keep the faith
Tears blossom, where they come together Carried by wind and the rain
Dreams sown, where they fall and they scatter
Taking root wherever they fall
Songs born, when they leave each other
Tears spring, when they understand one another
Songs stand, where the people gather
Tears carried by wind and rain Songs blossom when together
Sound in the glow Showing me the wonder color Not just for show
I say hello The light shines, stretching shadows You say hello
The rain stops, making rainbows