「Nobody is free from nothing」 彼が知るのはこれが first time
喜びは cooking, shopping, talking, walking, running, eating
congratulations on the birth of you
「Thank you very much」 彼に言うのはこれが first time
具体的支援は 「fat, cash, serve」 what does she love?
気にならないように愛を待つ gimme some truth
hit me, hit me どうしようか hundred times I fall
feeling to the end of the mind
「Nobody has perfect notes」 君に言うのはこれが first time
he says, 「I would like you to lie for me」
「Please don't involve me, sir」
気にならないように明日を待つ nothing for it but to do
mercy, mercy 会いに行こうか hundred times I fall
feeling to the end of the mind
feeling to the end of the mind