“Now let's get STARTED, Eh! Now let's get STARTED”
“Now don't U STOP IT, Eh! Now don't U STOP IT”
...... Yeah! 研ぎ澄ましたら RAT-TAT-TAT (TAT)
...... 刻むビートは TIK-TIK-TOK (TOK)
Now let's GO! Let it BURN! Let it BURN! 燃やせ (BURN)
C'mon now let's GO! Let it BURN! Let it BURN! 焦がせ
So breath IN & breath OUT, Let it PLAY
“Ur heart is BREAKIN', No! Ur heart is BREAKIN' ”
“Now stop the FAKIN', No! Now stop the FAKIN' ”
...... Now, 脱ぎ捨てたら Ur so HOT (HOT)
...... 思い出せば U can ROCK (ROCK)
止める唯一は “YOU” Don't let it STOP
...... 前を向いたら Let's get MOVIN'
Now let's GO! Let it BURN! Let it BURN! 放て (BURN)
曇らせた胸 陽があたるまで (Eh) All the WAY
C'mon now let's GO! Let it BURN! Let it BURN! 届け (BURN)
羽ばたくように 両手を広げ (Now let it BURN)
So breath IN & breath OUT, Let it PLAY
Oh, oh... それまでは It's ALL RIGHT
Oh, oh... I'll let it BURN! I'll be by Ur SIDE
Now let's GO! Let it BURN! Let it BURN! 燃やせ (BURN)
C'mon now let's GO! Let it BURN! Let it BURN! 焦がせ
So breath IN & breath OUT, Let it PLAY
発売日:2015-10-14 歌手:Kis-My-Ft2 作詞:Ryohei Yamamoto 作曲:Tommy Clint