Get ready to open your eyes so you can see,
旅する四次元 急降下しても落ちねぇ 腕ふるうまるで一流シェフ
So, So Fresh なネタをゲトって仕込む饒舌なフロー
超DEF 5Stars ホテル並みゴージャス 大スター受け取るボーナス
we gonna show you how to get down
2本の足で立つこのGround 放つこのSound Ah, Ah,
明日との差は今日次第 Do ro Die あきらめたくなきゃ Keep on trying
There's no one that could hold you down
to Rise above the ground, into the sky above,
Higher and higher into the sky above
(nothing you can do to stop me! 常に前進む足!)
(we're gonna show you how... to rise above!)
(手を伸ばす... 希望の明日... Into the sky, Into the sky!)
Something like a phenomenon この世の者じゃないよな
自由の象徴 誇張 宇宙の法則 Don't stop いつでも上昇
音 鼓膜奥にもっと どっと流れ込んでほっとくことができねんだ
Yo I remember どんな試練が待ってようと進む為の理由は...
There's no one that could hold you down
It's time for us to show you how
to Rise above the ground, into the sky above,
Higher and higher into the sky above
(nothing you can do to stop me! 常に前進む足!)
(we're gonna show you how... to rise above!)
(手を伸ばす... 希望の明日... Into the sky, Into the sky!)
Uh〜 I'll take you higher 内なる炎を灯すファイア
空いた口ふさがらないくらい ハンパないVibes 灯せライター
一発でかい花火ぶち上げ Rewind Selecter, Come again!
Mr.Wise 送る Big Supprise with the style that I'll be dropping
in the air, Synchronize 共に Hypnotize
一か八か 今立ち向かえ ヒントない時もきっと大丈夫さ 恐れを振り払え
Say wow wo wo wo Say yeah yae yae yae
Boon buy! the Higher 燃えるデザイヤ 天高く手上げ 指差す Fire-ball
まるでイカロス 翼溶けるまで どこまでも Take me higher!
There's no one that could hold you down
It's time for us to show you how
to Rise above the ground, Into the sky above,
Higher and higher into the sky above
(nothing you can do to stop me! 常に前進む足!)
(we're gonna show you how... to rise above!)
(手を伸ばす... 希望の明日... Into the sky, Into the sky!)
(手を伸ばす... 光が差す... 突き抜けるぐらい高くHigh up in the sky!)